How to disable flash or screen message in Vodafone sim card?
When we buy new sim card or change mobile phone we always see many type of screen or flash messages on our screen…
I think many time you have been faced many screen message when you unlock your mobile phone , Switch on your mobile phone or when you call anywhere. In this you always see many information regarding new service to subscribe and when you click on ok or yes. Then after few minutes service will activated on your mobile phone. After that you start asking to anyone in your family and friends that have they used your phone? But they keep reply that why i use your mobile and then we think that why my balance has been deducted? We wan’t to let you know that it has been deducted by company because you subscribed a service by flash message but we always worry about that how I can disable screen message or flash message service from my mobile so today we are going to letting you know that how you can disable this service from your Vodafone mobile.
How to disable flash message or screen message from Vodafone mobile?
If you wan't to disable this service and stop getting flash message or screen message you don't have to do much more you have to do.
Use Vodafone services option:-
First of all visit to your Vodafone services function which may know sim services. (Keep in mind that before clicking anywhere you may charged if you click any other where)
when you visit in the sim services function click on flash options from them and then click on Activation and then click on Deactivate.
After that when you click on FLASH options you will see a new tab and you will see a option with Activation as shown in the picture above.
When you click on Activation button you will see few new options from them you have to click on deactivate as described in the picture above.
Confirm Deactivation:-
When you click on Deactivate you will be asked for confirm you have to confirm them after that you won't see any type of flash or screen described in the picture above
When you click on Ok button you will see a message with Sending... or Sending a message if you successfully able to deactivate you won't get any error message and you won't see any flash message after that...
Yeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhooooooooo! We have done!
Yes now we have been described from flash service if you are getting difficulty in doing this or wan't to know anything else you may ask us in the comment box which is given below.